This past Juneteenth Scent Therapy participated in the 3rd Annual Juneteenth Shop Black festival. We had an amazing time. The festival was an amazing showcase of over 100 black owned businesses from all around the mid-south. There were local art vendors, jewelry, clothing, home accessories, professional services, specialty food vendors and so much more in attendance and Scent Therapy was right in the mix.
With our booth area all set up replete with jewel encrusted bees dotted around the table we set out to provide and educate as many people as possible on what Scent Therapy had to offer.
I introduced several new items at this year's Juneteenth festival, the biggest latest item was our three-wick Honeycomb jar candles!
These newest additions offer more of your favorite scents in a larger 3-wick jar. You'll love the extra detail of the beautiful honeycomb pattern texture of these glass jars. The gorgeous golden lid faintly reminds you of honey and is where you'll find the new label leaving the lovely honeycomb glass undisturbed in all its glorious detail. These beauties debuted at this year's festival and will be available on the site soon as well.
In addition to our 3-wick honeycomb jars we also introduced several new scents including Cocoa Cashmere, Black Cherry Merlot, and Frosted Juniper. These will also be added to the site soon and available for purchase online. I absolutely love these new scents and look forward to talking more about each one of them in detail very soon.
We saw an absolutely great turnout at the festival. I met many fresh new faces, plenty of new customers and discovered several other businesses that I can't wait to tell you more about in the future.
The customer turnout was phenomenal!
We saw so many faces, friends and family and new customers alike!
Mahogany Teakwood and Cocoa Cashmere were two breakout favorites of the day. Big plans for those two scents are coming soon.
We took as many pictures as we could with as many customers and friends. The candles were selling so well I honestly didn't have much time for them.
We had a wonderful time and appreciated the support of so many. I also really appreciate you for taking the time to keep up with how we're doing. So if you've made it this far enjoy this 20% discount on one item in our store, use WHATSTHENEWS22 during checkout to activate this special discount. I appreciate you guys so much. Check back soon for more updates! Until next time, remember honey, it's therapeutic!
BreezyBee signing off!🐝🌻